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U-M Ross Business + Impact
U-M Ross Business + Impact
Impact Across U-M


Our Work

Creating a better world through the power of business.

Business+Impact is dedicated to harnessing the minds, resources, connections, and innovations behind the business community. We provide a conduit to programs, initiatives, events, and more that match passions with challenges. Our work ranges from helping communities in our own backyard in SE Michigan to tackling global issues — proving that business can and should be a force for good in the world.

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Impactful Work We're Doing

Detroit Engagement

U-M’s engagement with Detroit has extended over two centuries, and the Michigan Ross commitment to Detroit has continued for over 30 years, a mission that inextricably links the campus with this city of makers.

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Faculty Research for Impact

U-M’s engagement with Detroit has extended over two centuries, and the Michigan Ross commitment to Detroit has continued for over 30 years, a mission that inextricably links the campus with this city of makers.

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Open Road at Ross

A program that pairs MBA students with visionary entrepreneurs. Open Road is an established action-based social entrepreneurship program developed by Ross students and powered by Business+Impact and the Ford Motor Company Fund.

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"The opportunity to partner with my alma mater on meaningful social change in Detroit was very exciting. We enjoyed this partnership, and it has been mutually beneficial to DEGC, the city, and the students.
Lily Hamburger, MBA ’17
"My time at Ross has been invaluable not only in preparing me to deliver social impact in the future, but also in making a difference while here.”
Tim Carter, MBA ’19