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U-M Ross Business + Impact
U-M Ross Business + Impact
Impact Across U-M



Alumni & Giving

Alumni & Giving

Business+Impact can only thrive with support from individuals and organizations who believe in our mission and students. Please consider partnering with us on programming that generates valuable social impact.

Giving Opportunities

Give to Business+Impact – All Gifts Help

You can make an impact in the community and transform the lives of students by giving to B+I programs. Support our major initiatives such as the Board Fellowship, student-led programs, impact scholarships, social entrepreneurship, and Social Innovation Summit.  And, your support will go even further with employer matching!

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Self-Directed Internships

Student-initiated summer opportunities for social impact are often low-paying or unpaid. Ross MBAs are known for their collaborative culture and engagement in social impact. No other initiative exemplifies this better than the student-led Give-A-Day Fund, which generates donations from rising MBA2 candidates.

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About the Give-a-Day Fund

Launched in 2012, the Fund was the first business school initiative to use student-to-student funding. The Give-A-Day Fund engages traditional Ross MBAs to provide financial assistance to impact students interning with social entrepreneur organizations, which often provide little to no salary. As its name implies, MBA students donate a day of their summer internship salary to make this support possible.

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The Give-a-Day Fund Board

The Give-a-Day Fund Board is responsible for raising funds and helping to select the recipients of those funds. The board needs people from all career backgrounds and interests. Some benefits of being a board member include:

  • The chance to serve on the first board of its kind among MBA programs
  • High-visibility interaction with Ross administration
  • Opportunity to support diverse internships
  • Experience within the Ross community
  • Planning and executing a fundraising campaign
  • Insight into the selection process for award recipients

Rising MBA2s are asked to pledge a day of their summer salary, but can donate at anytime. Other members of the Ross community are also encouraged to donate.

Ross MBAs who pursue no- or low-paying internships with qualifying social impact organizations can apply to receive funding through Business+Impact’s Summer Internship Funding program.

  • All award decisions are jointly made by the outgoing Give-A-Day Board and Business+Impact.
  • Award decisions are based on the level of need (taking into account other funding being received), consideration of the position’s impact, and the quality of the application.
  • Award amounts are typically capped at $2,000, although exceptions can be made at the discretion of the Give-A-Day Board (provided sufficient funds are available).

All donations are processed using the university’s giving system as tax-deductible gifts to the university.

Apply to receive funding through Business+Impact’s Summer Internship Funding program.