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U-M Ross Business + Impact
U-M Ross Business + Impact
Impact Across U-M



Providing a Pathway for Future Impact Leaders

Our mission is to build a better world through business and education.

We’re here to help you launch: to pursue ambitious goals; hone your knowledge with electives at Ross and across campus; engage in interdisciplinary collaborations and workshops; connect with impact leaders in the working world; build your peer network; and set yourself up for a rewarding career.

Whether you know exactly what you want or are searching for the right spark, opportunities abound. Dive into coursework and action-based learning grounded in proven approaches, as well as exciting new explorations into how mission-driven organizations across sectors can accelerate solutions to the greatest challenges of our time. See the inspiring impact of Michigan Ross faculty, students, and staff here.

Our History.

The history of Business+Impact is a genesis. At the heart of that genesis has always been the concepts of multi-disciplinary, action-based partnerships between students and changemakers on the ground.

The B+I vision was preceded by several Ross programs, centers, and initiatives that pioneered change dating back to 1992 when the U-M Business School launched the Domestic Corps program. Since then, one of the first and longest-running Board Fellowship programs in the country began, starting in 2003.

The Business+Impact initiative was announced in August 2018, with a goal of making Michigan Ross “the most progressive source of ideas and solutions for how business can address the global challenges of our generation.” Business+Impact is a dean-level initiative to make social, economic and sustainability impact part of the DNA of Ross.

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What is social impact?

It’s critical to clearly differentiate between the broad term of “impact” and a more deliberate definition of social impact. Impact on its own implies an influence or effect on virtually anything, given its context. Social impact, however, is grounded in the effect it has on a pressing social challenge.

A healthy debate about what is pressing today is welcome and necessary as societal conditions invariably shift. Local contexts might differ from each other, perhaps mirroring global needs or occasionally running counter to them. But a level of consensus is required, often based on ensuring a foundation of human dignity and opportunity, which is most pressing for underserved populations and those lacking essential resources or services.

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Business+Impact Can Help You Find Your Calling

The Sustainable Development Goals are a blueprint for achieving a better and more sustainable future for all. They address the global challenges we face, including those related to poverty, inequality, climate, environmental degradation, prosperity, and peace and justice. The Goals interconnect and in order to leave no one behind, it is important that we achieve each Goal and target by 2030.

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Meet the Business+Impact Team

Are you a student, U-M constituent, or community changemaker? Connect with us and learn how you can partner with us.

Meet the Team

“I believe that business has the power and responsibility to impact the world in a positive way. I am proud that B+I supports businesses and other organizations as they strive to address the grand challenges of our time.”
Francine LaFontaine, Associate Dean of Business+Impact

How can you make an impact with your Ross degree?