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U-M Ross Business + Impact
U-M Ross Business + Impact
Impact Across U-M



Nonprofit Board Fellows

Nonprofit Board Fellows

For Nonprofit Organizations

The Board Fellowship Program prepares University of Michigan graduate students for responsible community involvement and practical leadership experience. For an academic year, students are placed on nonprofit governing boards in Southeast Michigan as non-voting members.

Since 1999, over 800 Board Fellows have been placed with over 300 nonprofit organizations. These students have assisted in various board initiatives, including supporting strategic planning development to furthering programs and enterprises. Nonprofit organizations gain access to future community leaders with fresh perspectives and talents, the time and expertise of outstanding graduate students, and a connection with the University of Michigan. Meanwhile, students gain practical board experience, skills, and networks to further their community engagement.

Board Fellows serve as non-voting board members for an academic cycle (from October through April), and complete a board-level project over the course of their placement. Students work closely with the board and executive director of their assigned organization, attend board meetings, serve on committees, and engage with the issues facing the organization. In other words, they serve in the same capacity as any other board member.

Nonprofit Application for 2023-24 closed in July 2023.

Nonprofit Application Process

Applications from nonprofit organizations are accepted on a rolling basis through mid-July. Within 2 weeks of submission, the Business+Impact staff reaches out to schedule a meeting to discuss your proposed project and application.


If you are a nonprofit considering participating in the Board Fellowship Program, there are a few critical elements to ensure a successful experience:

Board Fellows voluntarily commit a similar amount of time per month as a full board member (no more than 10 hours/month); they attend board meetings, committee meetings, and complete their projects. We strongly encourage the Board Fellow(s) and their mentor(s) to set a regular meeting and communication schedule at the beginning of their engagement.

To ensure an effective and mutually beneficial working relationship, the organization must:

  • Assign a board member to serve as the Board Fellow’s primary mentor
  • Assign an executive staff member as a primary point of contact with the organization
  • Provide a formal introduction to the organization and the expectations of board members
  • Enable the Board Fellow(s) to complete one or two meaningful, mutually beneficial projects
  • Complete a mid-year and final evaluation of the Board Fellow’s progress

Timeline for Nonprofits

  • May – Application for Nonprofits opens | Information Sheet
  • May – Information Sessions in Detroit & Ann Arbor | Watch virtual info session
  • July 14, 2023 – Nonprofit Applications Due
  • Aug-Sept – Student Applications Due
  • Late Sept. – Student Applicant Interviews
  • Early Oct. – Board Fellows announced
  • Oct. – Mandatory orientation for fellows and nonprofit organizations
  • Oct. – Apr. – Students serve as Board Fellows on nonprofit boards